Calculation of Radon Gas Concentration in the Buildings of College of Women Education - Tikrit University using the Nuclear Track Detector CR-39
Radiation Hazard, Radon, Track Detector CR -39Abstract
This study analyses the radon gas content in (17) samples taken from buildings of the College of Women's Education - Tikrit University. Using a long-term measuring approach and a nuclear effect detector, the effects of radon's alpha particles were measured (CR-39). Radon concentrations were discovered to fluctuate, with the greatest levels being found in computer lab buildings (1).it reaching (72.7 Bq.m-3), while the lowest value was in a Department of Psychological Sciences if it reaches (15.8 Bq.m-3) compared to the radioactive background of (39.0 Bq.m-3) There is no risk to the College's workforce, including workers and students, and there was no exposure to excessive levels of radiation or environmental pollution. This provided the College with an advantage in that it was not subjected to harmful amounts of radiation or contamination.
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