An Overview of Oil Recovery Techniques: From Primary to Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
waterflooding, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), gas injection, thermal EOR, interfacial tension, wettability, surfactant injection, polymer injection, alkali injection, foam injection, microbial enhanced oil recoveryAbstract
As we all know, numerous methods have been invented for better managing of the reservoirs to recover the trapped oil from them as much as possible. These techniques included primary techniques that were implemented primarily at the beginning of this industry. As these techniques were not effective enough, secondary techniques, like; water flooding and gas injection methods were created and the amount of recovered oil were increased, as well. On the contrary, the demand for more oil was raised up and it was felt that much more effective techniques are necessary. It resulted to creation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques and these techniques are included; thermal methods (steam injection, steam assisted gravity drainage and in-situ combustion), Chemical methods (alkali flooding, surfactant flooding, polymer flooding, foam flooding, and combination of alkali-surfactant-polymer flooding), and microbial EOR. The most promising technique is microbial EOR because of being cost-effective and ecofriendly. GEMEOR (Genetically Engineered MEOR) and EEOR (Enzyme Enhanced Oil Recovery) are two new trends of MEOR that own potential hopes in petroleum industry.
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