Quality Risk Management Approach for Drug Development and Its Future Prospectives
FDA, Regulatory Affairs, ICH, Pharmaceutical Companies, New drug Approval (NDA)Abstract
These days, finding new marketing authorizations, guaranteeing regulatory compliance, and keeping labour costs competitive are extremely tough. Many pharmaceutical companies also struggle to deal with local regulatory issues and stay up with changes in key pharmaceutical markets. Regulations are thoroughly reviewed before being given to the RA department. This team compiles the most critical prescription information for global approval and marketing. This category accepts both new and revised product submissions. This is mostly handled by the RA department. RA's job is to provide feedback on proposed or disputed legislation. This is a proactive measure. The ICH framework allows for more early intervention. Regulators have a wide range of responsibilities. In the US, the FDA must register and clear the goods with the export company's regulatory professional.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Muthukumar Subramanian, Dr. Keshamma E, Deepika Janjua, Devinder Kumar, Roshan Kumar, Purabi Saha, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Shuaib Rao

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