Nutrient Composition of Detoxified Oil Cake from Simarouba glauca


  • Shafigul Shafiqi Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Shaikh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Qiamudin Abad Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Shaikh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.



Simarouba glauca oil cake, Detoxification treatments, Nutritional composition, Toxic and anti-nutritional factors, Laboratory experiments


The nutritional composition of Simarouba glauca oil cake was evaluated after applying various detoxification treatments, revealing notable effects on moisture, ash, crude fiber, and carbohydrate contents. Methanol treatments led to an increase in moisture content, while fermentation resulted in elevated levels of ash and crude fiber. Conversely, acetic acid treatment led to increased carbohydrate content compared to the control. Overall, these findings indicate that the nutritional status of Simarouba oil cake is minimally affected by detoxification treatments.


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How to Cite

Shafiqi, S., & Abad, Q. (2024). Nutrient Composition of Detoxified Oil Cake from Simarouba glauca. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(2), 208–211.


