Remediation: A Novel Approach for Reducing Environmental Pollution
Remediation, Environmental contamination, HCER, Remineralization, LandfillsAbstract
Hazardous contaminants persist more and more now, which negatively impacts the world in various ways. Nearly every second species on earth is experiencing the worst problem with their existence as a result of high environmental contamination. While more recent remediation methods have made improvements, conventional methods have not successfully removed dangerous substances from the environment. Hazardous contaminants elimination using the remediation technique (HCER) is a process that uses remineralization to eliminate hazardous contaminants from contaminated soils and groundwater. The process involves removing hazardous constituents from contaminated soil or groundwater through either mechanical or biological means; then replacing these constituents with beneficial elements to restore environmental quality. Remediation technologies are used for both on-site and off-site applications, including landfills, industrial sites, municipal solid waste landfills, construction sites (e.g., roads), mine tailing piles and other areas where contamination exists due to anthropogenic activities such as mining operations, oil spills and landfill leachate seepage. The present study aims to examine and analyze the literature in the area of remediation strategies used to get rid of toxins, mainly from soil and water.
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