Non-Linear λ-Jordan Triple Derivation on Prime Algebras
Prime Algebras, λ-Jordan Triple Derivation, Non-LinearityAbstract
Let A be a prime ∗−algebra and Φ a λ−Jordan triple deriva- tion on A, that is, for every A, B, C ∈ A, Φ(A ⋄ B) = Φ(A) ⋄ B + A ⋄ Φ(B) wher A ⋄λ B = AB∗ + λBA such that a real scalar |λ| ̸= 0, 1, and Φ is addi- tive. moreover, if Φ(I) and Φ(il) are selfadjiont then Φ is a ∗−derivation
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