Artificial Intelligence in Non-Invasive Skin Oxygenation Monitoring: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions


  • Mohammed Shakib K PG Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacology, Mallige College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru - 560090, INDIA



Artificial Intelligence, Non-Invasive Skin Oxygenation Monitoring, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Healthcare, Medical Imaging


With exciting advances that could completely change how medical practitioners gauge and monitor skin oxygenation levels, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a disruptive force in the field of non-intrusive skin oxygenation monitoring. This study explored the ongoing potrait of artificial intelligence applications in this domain, highlighting key advancements, challenges, and future directions. Recent studies have demonstrated the remarkable capabilities of AI-based systems in accurately assessing skin oxygenation levels by leveraging sophisticated machine-learning as well as deep-learning algorithms. These AI-powered imaging technologies capture high-resolution, multispectral images of the skin, which are then analyzed using neural networks to detect subtle variations in oxygenation that may serve as early indicators of underlying health conditions. However, despite significant progress made in controlled research settings, the widespread adoption of AI in clinical practice faces several challenges. These carries issues in context to the consistency and dependency of AI-based systems in real-world clinical environments, need for extensive validation and standardization, and genuine as well as official implications of incorporating AI across healthcare decision-making processes. As researchers and clinicians continue to explore the potential of AI in non-invasive skin oxygenation monitoring, future directions may focus on addressing these challenges through collaborative efforts between AI experts, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies. By utilizing the energy of Artificial Intelligence volunteer as well as result oriented, we can shift the route for more accurate, efficient, and accessible skin oxygenation monitoring, ultimately improving patient outcomes and advancing the health care field.


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How to Cite

Shakib K, M. (2025). Artificial Intelligence in Non-Invasive Skin Oxygenation Monitoring: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 4(1), 142–144.