Effect of Precision Application of Nutrients on, Growth, Yield, Quality and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Cv. Pearson
Tomato, Integrated Nutrients Application, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Growth, Yield, QualityAbstract
The investigation was conducted to study the Effect of precision application of nutrients on yield, quality and nutrient use efficiency in tomato (cv. Pearson). The experiment was carried out at Bolan Research Farm, Helmand, Afghanistan during the year 2021. The experiment was laid out in (RCBD) designed having three replications, each replication consisted of 10 treatments. The treatments comprised of T1: Fertilizers Urea + DAP + MOP (140:60:60 kg/ha), T2: Fertilizers Urea + DAP + MOP (70:30:30 kg/ha), T3: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + NPK + Urea (70:30:30 + 70:30:30), T4: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + MAP + Urea + MOP (70:30:30 + 70:30:30), T5: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + NPK + Urea (70:30:30 + 55:24:24), T6: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + VAM MAP + Urea + MOP (70:30:30 + 55:24:24), T7: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + NPK + Urea (70:30:30 + 42:18:18), T8: Fertilizers + Nutrient Solution Urea + DAP + MOP + VAM MAP + Urea + MOP (70:30:30 + 42:18:18), T9: RDF Urea + DAP + MOP (137.5:62.5:60) and T10: Control (No fertilizer). The result confirmed that integrated application of nutrient significantly affected all growth, yield and yield traits of tomato hence, the tallest plant (133.33cm), maximum No. of branches plant-1 (31.67), No. of fruit plant-1 (67.33), large polar diameter (8.33cm), large equatorial diameter (8.33cm), average yield plant-1(6.13 kg), total yield (344.00 q/ha), total soluble content (4.61 %), dry matter content (5.02%) were recorded in the plots were treated with T8 (Urea + DAP + MOP + VAM MAP + Urea + MOP) (70:30:30 + 42:18:18) except the fruits weight(g) and average fruit weight (g) as compared to other treated plots,. Generally, all fertilized plots showed positive & better performance as compared to control plots (no treated plots). We concluded from the result that all treatments regarding their efficient effect and economical use were ranked as (T8> T9> T7> T6> T5> T4> T3> T2> T1> TControl) for all growth, yield and yield characters of tomato (cv. Pearson) in research area.
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