Descriptive Study of Malabsorption Syndrome at the Postgraduate Hospital in Khost, Afghanistan


  • Mohammad Anwar Trezai Assistant Clinical Professor and Head of Internal Medicine Department, Khost Post Graduate Hospital, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Sultan Mohammad Khwaja Lecture, Faculty of Medical, Shiakh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Said Shah Ahmadi Faculty of Medical, Shiakh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Shahmehmood Ranzormal Lecture, Faculty of Medical, Shiakh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.



Malabsorption syndrome, age, gender, complication, symptoms, celiac disease, accommodation


Background: Malabsorption syndrome is a gastrointestinal condition hindering the efficient absorption of nutrients from food. Multiple factors contribute, primarily linked to mucosal damage within the small intestine, the primary site for nutrient absorption. (1)

Research Goal: The Frequency and pattern of Malabsorption in khost provincial and specialized Hospital During year1400 hijri shamsi.

Research rational: There is no medical information about the case in the civil and specialized hospital of khost, also the disease events constitute a large percentage of disease events if diagnosed and treat in time the complication rate will be reduced.

Methodology: Our study is a descriptive case series conducted in the year 1400. Among the 2,311 patients admitted to Khost Hospital during that time, 80 individuals were diagnosed with Malabsorption Syndrome.

Result: During the year 1400 ,2311 patients were hospitalized in khost hospital, among these, 30 patients were diagnosed as Malabsorption, most were younger than 20 and more than 60 years, most of them were female, the significant symptoms were chronic diarrhea, weight loss, dyspepsia and dehydration. most admitted patients were referred from center of khost city and major complications were weight loss, malnutrition, and anemia.

Final result: the incidence of malabsorption contains 1.29% of all other diseases, the incidence is higher in patients who aged less than 20 and more than 60 years, the incidence is higher in female than male, the events are more in the central areas of the khost than the districts., the common symptoms are chronic diarrhea, weight loss, dyspepsia. The weight loss, malnutrition, and anemia were the major complications.


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How to Cite

Trezai, M. A., Khwaja, S. M., Ahmadi, S. S., & Ranzormal, S. (2023). Descriptive Study of Malabsorption Syndrome at the Postgraduate Hospital in Khost, Afghanistan. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2(5), 12–16.

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