Assessment of Water Quality in the Varuna River, Varanasi: A Comprehensive Study
Physico-chemical characteristic, water quality, Varuna river, VaranasiAbstract
Water is a finite and irreplaceable resource that is fundamental to human well-being. It is only renewable if well managed. It is well managed. It is vital reducing the global burden of disease and improving the health, welfare and productivity of population. Most of the factor directly responsible for the quality of water sources. Keeping this in view, water samples from Varuna River were collected to analyze with the purpose of mutual comparison of water sources with special reference to physiochemical levels. Varuna is the Hindu God of water and the celestial ocean, as well as law of underwater world. It runs though the city of Varanasi from west to east the cross- section of city towards east convergence in to Ganga.
This article helps to know the quality of river water. Some parameters have been analyzed on the spot during the sampling time at each sampling location like ambient temperature, pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen and other parameters like total suspended solids, BOD, COD, alkalinity, hardness, DO were analyzed in laboratory. Biological parameters like Phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, fishes were observed during study. The water quality of river Varuna is moderately polluted because of sewage, industrial wastes, using of excessive fertilizers and so on. Permeability index indicates that the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation purpose. Although the general quality of ground water of lower Varuna basin is suitable for irrigation purpose but need to treatment of sewage which pour in river.
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